POWER/VAC Metalclad Switchgear
POWER/VAC metalclad switchgear is designed for applications on 5-kV, 8.25V and 15-kV power systems with available short-circuit capacities from 250 through 1500 MVA nominal.
POWER/VAC equipment is furnished in five basic types; indoor, outdoor weather proof (no aisle), protected aisle outdoor, common-aisle outdoor (aisle shared by two facing lineups) and arc resistant.
GE’s POWER/VAC metalclad switchgear combines the advantage of metalclad construction, flexibility and economy with the benefits of vacuum interrupters' reliability, low maintenance, and reduced breaker size and weight.
Specifically, POWER/VAC switchgear incorporates the following new basic design elements, compared to air magnetic and early designs of vacuum metalclad switchgear.
POWER/VAC offers two-tier breaker stacking for application flexibility and floor space savings.
POWER/VAC utilizes modular construction resulting in one basic vertical section size, thus simplifying system planning and providing installation savings.
POWER/VAC features structured protection, instrumentation and control (PIC) packages for most switchgear applications, minimizing planning and engineering time.
These fundamental design improvements affect certain elements in the switchgear application procedure, principally the one-line diagram and the arrangement of switchgear units in a lineup. Since these application considerations are a result of the equipment design, a brief illustration of POWER/VAC switchgear design concepts is provided.
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